Friday, October 21, 2011

Pittsburgh Penguins are not real animals

We were shopping at Giant Eagle when we heard over the loud speaker that there was a Pittsburgh Penguin signing autographs at the front of the store. Being the good friend that we are AJ and I went to the front to get an autograph for a friend. I told her we were going to meet a penguin, and then we got in line. We met the pretzel for HK Anderson Pretzels ( and you can find her pic with the pretzel), when it hit me. AJ was expecting the Pittsburgh Penguin to be a fuzzy black and white animal.. . . uh oh. Quickly I told her that this was a person we were meeting and he played hockey for the Penguins.  AJ took this is stride and made up a song (remember she isnt 3 yet)... "mr penguin, you are a person not an animal. you are gonna play a penguin"  Well he must have thought she was cute, because he picked her up and took her pic. So here it is my first pic on the blog and its one of AJ with Pascal Dupuis.  The exciting things that happen when you are shopping on a Friday night.